How to Use Healing Plants Safely
Herbs and other plants can be very powerful. Do not think for a moment that herbs can always be taken without concern for side effects or any kind of reaction. Herbs are not always mild and beneficial. Always use common sense and take caution when putting anything into or on your body.
Things You'll Need:
A good source for herbs and natural products with their number one priority being safety; they should belong to a reputable herb products association
Access to a qualified health practitioner
Access to a good herbalist
Access to a nutritional specialist working in a natural food store
Common sense
Educate yourself first and foremost and try to work with a qualified health practitioner. Herbs have very strong chemicals in them that may harm you. Each person can react differently to the same herb.
Learn about interactions that can happen, as there can be drug/herb interactions and also herb/herb interactions.
Investigate the herb you will be using. Know the plant.
Test for allergies before using any plant.
Tips & Warnings
Consult a good nutritional specialist or an herbalist about the safe dose for you.
Always use a small amount in the beginning doses.
Taper off any drug therapy you may be on very carefully and always talk to a good herbalist.
Test for allergies.
Herbs and other plants can be very powerful. Do not think for a moment that herbs can always be taken without concern for side effects or any kind of reaction. Herbs are not always mild and beneficial. Always use common sense and take caution when putting anything into or on your body.
Things You'll Need:
A good source for herbs and natural products with their number one priority being safety; they should belong to a reputable herb products association
Access to a qualified health practitioner
Access to a good herbalist
Access to a nutritional specialist working in a natural food store
Common sense
Educate yourself first and foremost and try to work with a qualified health practitioner. Herbs have very strong chemicals in them that may harm you. Each person can react differently to the same herb.
Learn about interactions that can happen, as there can be drug/herb interactions and also herb/herb interactions.
Investigate the herb you will be using. Know the plant.
Test for allergies before using any plant.
Tips & Warnings
Consult a good nutritional specialist or an herbalist about the safe dose for you.
Always use a small amount in the beginning doses.
Taper off any drug therapy you may be on very carefully and always talk to a good herbalist.
Test for allergies.