How to Use Herbs to Treat Multiple Sclerosis

How to Use Herbs to Treat Multiple Sclerosis

There are a number of clinically proven and medically approved disease-modifying therapies available for the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. Many patients who suffer from this disease may also wish to consider alternative therapies such as treatment using herbs and supplements. Talk to your doctor about alternative herbal medicines that may be used to treat the symptoms of MS.

Things You'll Need:

Herbal or vitamin supply store


Homeopathic remedy store


Understand that the term alternative therapy refers to any treatment designed outside the medical establishment. Among those suggested for the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis may involve the use of herbs delivered in pill or injection form as well as other forms of high-dose dietary supplements.


Know that the intake of adequate amounts of vitamins is advised for all patients with MS. There is no scientific proof that additional doses of vitamins, sometimes called megavitamin therapy, may change the course of this disease.


Find that recent research suggests that dietary supplementation with polyunsaturated fatty acids (a common form of which is evening primrose oil) as well as fatty acids such as fish oil appear to moderately slow down the progression of the disease and may reduce the severity and duration of exacerbations found in the course of relapsing-remitting MS.


Try to follow a balanced diet including appropriate amounts of protein, fats and carbohydrates. Diets such as the Swank and Kousmine diet have not been proven to change the course of the disease. However, because they lay stress on low-fat eating habits, they may help to reduce the risks of secondary symptoms of MS such as heart disease and obesity.


Follow ongoing clinical research into the effectiveness of herbs such as gingko biloba to treat the inflammation brought on by demyelination caused by the autoimmune reactions which occur with MS. Currently, studies do not indicate that oral doses of this medication have any effect however clinical trials have suggested that the use of injections of this herb may reduce nerve inflammation.

Tips & Warnings

The restrictions which govern the testing and approval process for prescription medications is not applied to most alternative medicines such as herbs, vitamins and supplements. You should consider the risks associated with any medical treatment you may embark upon and discuss your plans with your neurologist before you discontinue use of any prescribed medication for the treatment of MS.

How to Use Healing Plants Safely

How to Use Healing Plants Safely

Herbs and other plants can be very powerful. Do not think for a moment that herbs can always be taken without concern for side effects or any kind of reaction. Herbs are not always mild and beneficial. Always use common sense and take caution when putting anything into or on your body.

Things You'll Need:

A good source for herbs and natural products with their number one priority being safety; they should belong to a reputable herb products association

Access to a qualified health practitioner

Access to a good herbalist

Access to a nutritional specialist working in a natural food store

Common sense


Educate yourself first and foremost and try to work with a qualified health practitioner. Herbs have very strong chemicals in them that may harm you. Each person can react differently to the same herb.


Learn about interactions that can happen, as there can be drug/herb interactions and also herb/herb interactions.


Investigate the herb you will be using. Know the plant.


Test for allergies before using any plant.

Tips & Warnings

Consult a good nutritional specialist or an herbalist about the safe dose for you.

Always use a small amount in the beginning doses.

Taper off any drug therapy you may be on very carefully and always talk to a good herbalist.

Test for allergies.

How to Use Guided Meditation to Change Your Life!

How to Use Guided Meditation to Change Your Life!

Learn to access the power of your mind by using guided imagery meditation. You'll discover how to change your self image and create positive changes in your life, by communicating to your subconscious mind with guided meditation techniques.

Things You'll Need:

A quiet place free from distractions.


Find a place where you will not be disturbed for the next 10 minutes. Turn off
and close the door to avoid distractions. Find a comfortable position sitting up or lying down. Close your eyes and take in five deep breaths... as you exhale mentally repeat the word "relax". After five breaths let your breathing return to its own pace.


With your body relaxed and your mind more focused, begin to imagine a lemon. Pretend you are in the produce section of your favorite grocery store and find a lemon. Pick it up in your mind. Feel the weight of the lemon in your hand. Imagine you can smell it and visualize the pitted yellow waxy skin, smell it in your mind. Then imagine that you are cutting the lemon in half with a sharp knife, watch as the lemon juice runs down the blade of your knife. Next, pretend that you are going to squeeze the lemon juice in your mouth and taste the bitter lemon juice in your mouth.


Notice what is happening to your mouth? Once your mouth is salivating, you have activated your body mind connection. Now start to imagine yourself with any change you desire. Self image is simply how you imagine yourself in your mind. Picture in your mind your body at your ideal weight, or being a non smoker, or see yourself in a loving relationship or successful... whatever changes you desire, imagine it now.

Imagination is more than just visualization. Visualization is inner seeing. Imagination allows you to access all five inner senses of smell, touch, feel, taste and seeing. Begin to imagine yourself with the change you desire, as if it has already happened. See, feel, touch, taste, and even smell, yourself with the changes you desire. If you want to lose weight, imagine yourself at your ideal weight, see it, but more importantly feel it. How would you feel? Imagine you are touching your body at the body size you desire.


Know that you are instructing your subconscious mind to create a future that you desire. After 5 minutes of this guided meditation, simply take in a deep breath and open your eyes. Stretch and return to your previous activities knowing you have instructed your mind to begin to create positive changes in your life. Repeat this daily for 21 days.

Tips & Warnings

This is great to do first thing in the morning. Set your snooze alarm for 10 minutes and as soon as it goes off, hit the button and begin to guide yourself into a meditation to visualize and imagine the changes in your life that you desire.

Listen to a guided meditation CD to help you focus and relax your mind. Guided meditations will train your mind to visualize more sharply and offer help in changing your life.

How to Use Gravel Root for Health

How to Use Gravel Root for Health

The gravel root plant grows wild in the swamps and lowlands of North America. It stands four feet high with fuzzy stems and purple flowers. Its roots and rhizoids have medicinal value long known by Native Americans. Follow a few steps to make a tea and reap the health benefits of gravel root.


Place 1 tsp. of dried gravel root in 8 oz. of water. Bring to a boil. Simmer for about ten minutes, filter through a strainer and drink. Repeat up to three times daily for good health.


Prevent kidney stones. Kidney stones, commonly called gravel, form when minerals in the urine crystallize. Gravel root adjusts the degree to which the urine is acidic or basic, decreasing the likelihood of stone formation.


Treat kidney stones. Once formed, kidney stones must be eliminated. Gravel root promotes the urination needed to pass the stones and restore health of the urinary tract.


Remedy gout. It is characterized by painful joints due to overproduction of uric acid. Gravel root promotes urination and elimination of uric acid from the body.


Improve menstrual health. Take gravel root at the first sign of menstrual cramping. It also increases negligible menstrual flow.


Reduce fever. Notice a reduction in body temperature almost immediately after consumption of gravel root. Continue to monitor temperature. Prolonged elevation of body temperature is a serious health concern requiring medical attention.

Tips & Warnings

Dried gravel root is available in health food stores.

Tincture of gravel root is sold in health food stores. Use 1.5 ml. three times daily.

The elderly,
and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use gravel root.

People who are allergic to daisies or ragweed should not use gravel root.

Gravel root is contraindicated in people with liver disease or who drink alcohol.

How to Treat Glaucoma With Meditation

How to Treat Glaucoma With Meditation

Glaucoma is an eye disease resulting from high intraocular pressure. High pressure, if left untreated over a period of time can cause damage to the optic nerve and blindness. There are many types of glaucoma and many treatments, including surgery, medications and daily eye drops. Research suggests that stress can make certain types of glaucoma worse. Along with traditional medical treatments for glaucoma, meditation can help reduce stress. Read on to learn how to treat glaucoma with meditation.


Discover the different types of meditations and choose one that's right for you. There are guided meditations in which you are helped to visualize. These meditations have a narrator guiding you as well as soothing sounds. For glaucoma, choose a meditation that focuses on the eye. There are also sounds of nature meditation tapes or CDs, soothing instrumental music and religious or spiritual meditations.


Find a comfortable place for meditation. Many people choose to meditate in their homes, while others prefer a group meditation. Make yourself comfortable, wear loose clothing, turn off the
and other sources of interruptions.


Lie down or sit in a relaxed position. Begin your meditation with several deep cleansing breaths, followed by a tensing and release of the muscles in your body. Deep breathing and relaxation of muscles will help you get the full benefit of the meditation. If you aren't using a guided meditation, you'll need to visualize your eyes. Visualize deep healing taking place and glaucoma pressures coming into balance. Visualize yourself as calm and stress free; remaining that way after the meditation is over.


Meditate daily to reduce the stress in your life and continue to visualize your eye pressure as reduced. Visualize the high intraocular pressure of glaucoma coming down into balance. Use meditation as only part of your treatment for glaucoma.

How to wear cute earrings in school and get away with it

How to wear cute earrings in school and get away with it


are extremely popular with all ages and genders. Fashion earrings are a big hit with tweens and
as more styles are available and matching earrings with outfits is quite the trend. One problem is that many schools ban earrings unless they are small hoops or studs. Learn how to wear cute earrings in a discreet manner while in school.


Learn when you are allowed to wear fashion earrings. Many schools ban chandelier-style earrings, in that they can pose a hazard to students. However, many schools have special events and "pride" days where students are allowed to go a bit wild. Find out when it's appropriate to wear your favorite earrings to school and wear them without reservation.


Wear your hair down. It helps to have shoulder length to

, too. If you want to get away with wearing cute earrings, this is a great way to keep them slightly hidden. Put your hair behind your ears when you're in an easygoing teacher's class to show them off, but remember to keep them under your hair when walking down the hallway.


Take out your earrings during gym class or other physical activity. This is the time when your earrings really are inappropriate. The last thing you want happening is catching the earring and ultimately, your ear, on something that can cut you in any way.


Know when the best time is to wear your earrings. If your lunchroom or cafeteria has minimal supervision, it's a great time to show off those cute accessories. Keep in mind that school administrators are more likely to make mention of your breaking the rules. Don't get mad. Just remember, it's their job.


Find times when you can wear cute earrings and get away with it. Wear them to after school activities or to school dances. These are times when the rules aren't enforced in the same manner, meaning you have the opportunity to wear your favorite earrings.


Opt for a smaller pair of earrings. Yes, dangly earrings are very in but if you're willing to sacrifice some style trends, you'll be able to get away with wearing earrings to school.

Tips & Warnings

If a teacher or administrator asks you to remove your earrings, listen to them.

<br>Be sure your earrings don't catch on your shoulder bag or anything else. The last thing you want is an injury from wearing cute earrings.

How to Wear Cowboy Boots

How to Wear Cowboy Boots

You don't have to be from the wild west to have a pair of cowboy boots stashed in the back of your closet. This is a great item with real staying power, no matter where in you live. So when the mood hits, be sure to pull them out and wear them proudly with a wide range of outfits.

Things You'll Need:

Cowboy boots

Skinny jeans

Casual dress

Cocktail dress

Wide leg pants

Mini skirt


Invest in a good quality pair of cowboy boots, since you will likely have these for a long time. Look for a neutral color, such as black, brown or camel.


Consider opting for special details such as contrast stitching or hand tooling.


Wear cowboy boots with jeans and a long cardigan or tunic. This look can go just about anywhere you do on the weekends or after work.


Slip cowboy boots on over skinny jeans and a dress. This is a look some of the celebrities have been seen in lately and is a very clean, modern style. Realize that the skinny jeans can look almost like tights if they are fitted enough.


Try cowboy boots with a cocktail dress and dark tights to add a casual and unexpected vibe.


Step into cowboy boots beneath nicer wide leg pants. The narrow point of the toe will give you a long, sleek line.


Consider wearing cowboy boots with a mini skirt and layer tanks. This is a sexy, confident style for a night on the town that won't look like you are trying too hard.


Remember that you don't have to dress like a cowgirl to wear cowboy boots. These can be a nice addition to modern, conservative and trendy pieces.

Tips & Warnings

Consider buying a pair of bold red cowboy boots to add some pop to your wardrobe.

Take care of your boots by cleaning and conditioning the leather on a regular basis.

See a shoemaker for repairs and maintenance as needed.

Steer clear of items adorned with fringe and other cowboy-inspired pieces when you wear your boots.

Don't let your outfit compete with the boots for the "wow" factor.

How to wear covered shoes if you have a sore uncomfortable big toe

How to wear covered shoes if you have a sore uncomfortable big toe

One of the most uncomfortable things in the world is a sore big toe. But you can't stay in bed just because your toe hurts. And even worse, if you work in a professional environment, you can't just bandage it up and throw on a pair of flip-flops. Read on to learn how to wear covered shoes if you have a sore, uncomfortable big toe.

Things You'll Need:

A cloth bandage

<br>Covered shoes a half-size bigger


Find a pair of loose-fitting shoes about a half-size too big.


If your shoes have laces, loosen the ones on the shoe for your sore toe.


Find an old cloth bandage. The self-attaching kind with velcro on the end work best. Cut the bandage short enough so you can wrap it around your sore toe about three or four times.


Carefully wrap the sore toe tightly. Put on a pair of socks.


Put on your shoes. Adjust the laces and you're off.

Tips & Warnings

* If you're on your feet all day, you might also want to add some insoles to keep from having sore feet to match your sore toe.

<br>* If you are wearing heels, you will need to wear shoes the correct size to avoid serious problems.

<br>* If you are using a bandage with velcro on one end, be sure that you cut the end that has the velcro strip off.

<br>* Be sure to use an anti-inflammatory with pain relief if you have an open sore or burn.

<br>* Always use a clean bandage.

How to Wear Cotton

How to Wear Cotton

Cotton is a versatile fabric available in many clothing types, styles, textures and colors. A natural fiber that is always in fashion, cotton is a popular choice for anyone wishing to add functional and affordable pieces to a wardrobe. Read on to learn more.


Wear a cotton top or polo shirt with cotton slacks for a comfortable day at home or to watch a football game with friends. Add canvas sneakers or boat shoes to look confident and successful.


Look professional in a man-tailored cotton shirt with a suit. For casual Friday at work, dress-down and still look elegant in a tailored cotton shirt, jeans and a blazer. Man-tailored cotton shirts come in white, pastels and stripes and match many clothes in your closet. Wear a short-sleeved cotton blouse for a softer look.


Tie a cotton sweatshirt around your waist in case the temperature drops during a day trip. Rest the sweatshirt on your shoulders to keep warm in movie theaters and shopping malls. Pick from your favorite colors, textures and styles, including v-necks, crew necks and hoodies.


Sleep in cotton pajamas or a cotton nightgown to be covered but cool. Use a cotton bathrobe to lounge about the house or as a cover-up for that unexpected knock at the door.


Exercise in cotton gym clothes as an alternative to spandex or nylon. Cotton "breathes," so you can be more comfortable when working up a sweat.


Keep cotton sweaters in your dresser as a fashion staple. Wear them with slacks, jeans, shorts and skirts. Buy basic colors to use any time or select bright colors to stand out in a crowd.


Add a white cotton slip to your lingerie collection for daily wear or for a sexy look at home.

Tips & Warnings

Try organic cotton clothing if you are allergic to standard processed cotton. Organic cotton producers avoid cotton grown with pesticides, chlorine, arsenic, latex and heavy metals.

Gynecologists recommend white cotton underwear to prevent infections.

Read washing instructions before laundering any cotton garments at home.

Cotton clothes often require ironing. Remove them from the dryer five minutes before it is set to stop to reduce wrinkling.

How to Wear Corduroy

How to Wear Corduroy

Current corduroy fabric is soft and comfortable, and many popular styles are tailored for a woman's body. You don't have to buy stiff baggy shirts and pants to add corduroy to your wardrobe. Follow the steps to learn how to wear corduroy year round, no matter what the occasion or temperature.


Shop at stores that carry casual or outdoor style wear for the largest selection. However, department and specialty stores alike often carry both summer and winter weights so you can wear corduroy year round.


Find pants cut like jeans with a lower-rise waist and boot cut leg. Wear as you would jeans or slacks, dressing them up or down depending on the shirt and shoes you choose. Some corduroy pants are distressed for a perfect girls' night out, while others are classically straight cut and dressier to wear to work with a pretty sweater or jacket.


Wear a skirt with a feminine style--with flared edges, piping or cut outs--and pair it with a tall pair of boots and a thick sweater, or choose a cotton eyelet wrap shirt for a lighter feel. Corduroy doesn't have to weigh you down.


Choose between a lightweight or heavyweight jacket or coat for both indoor and outdoor use. In the winter, a tailored corduroy coat with quilted lining is durable, soft, warm and comfortable in cold weather. A corduroy blazer can be a good choice as a lightweight jacket--pair with a dress, wool slacks or jeans depending on how casual you want to look. Choose bright colors and various business or casual styles.